Friday 14 April 2017

A Few Previous Works

Good Morning All.

As promised in my last post I will be showing off a selection of some of my previous mixed media works.  There are a few different types of work on show here, some of them are based on designs that I have seen on the Internet and some are based on workshops that I have taken in the past (each of them have my own spin on them though).

Altered Boxes (Book of Secrets Workshop)

Box 1


Box 2

Altered Books and Boxes (Book Of Ruination Workshop)

Book 1

Book 2

Box 1

Altered Box (Distressed Metal)


Canvas 1

Canvas 2

Canvas 3

Canvas 4 (Reversed Nature Canvas)

Canvas 5 (Reversed Garden Canvas based on

Wall Art

WA 1

WA 2

WA 3

WA 4

I hope you've all enjoyed looking at some of my older works, and that they inspire you to create some masterpieces of your own.

Any comments or questions leave them below.

Good Bye Until Next Time.

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