Saturday 4 February 2017

Wanderlust - January Round Up

Good Morning All.

Today I'd like to talk a little about the online course that I am doing this year, firstly I'll explain a little of what its about and then ill show you some of the pieces I've created from it.

Its called Wanderlust and it's run by two talented artists, Kasia and Jamie Avery from Everything Art.  I'll put a link at the end of this post so that you can check it out.

Here is a little snippet from their website to explain what Wanderlust is:

Wanderlust is a whole year long journey - an online event offering you videos from 24 guest teachers and 2 resident teachers on a weekly basis (each one is full length, high quality and downloadable), access to the Wanderlust Community with a supportive and friendly atmosphere, where all of the classes are gathered. 
You will also find there various activities that will stimulate your creativity and motivate you to simply enjoy the process of making art. Together with the class you will also get an exclusive whole year discount to leading art and craft retailers all over the world.
Wanderlust class is the perfect alternative to in-person classes!!

The course has only been running for four weeks now with the fifth week starting yesterday.  I'm really enjoying it though; with each of the tutors so far there have been many different styles of work portrayed, each with different ideas and reasons behind those ideas.

Each week they release a new video with that week's class on it and and accompanying PDF for reference.  Every fourth week they release a new set of games and challenges to take part in with a chance to win a nice prize.

Now onto the pieces that I have created:

Both of these pieces were from Week One, the picture on the left was my overall statement for the year, with the picture on the right a slight expansion on one element of that.

These pages were from Week Two; the premise of which was to let yourself go and keep adding layers and interest to your work until it 'feels right'.  I must admit that I did struggle with this piece because the way I work it much more planned and thought out rather than feeling as I go.  This is why I have two pages for this week because I decided to try again and just see what would happen with the supplies that I had to hand.  I think that they both turned out ok though in the end.

These three pages were from Week Three, and a complete change of style from the first two weeks.  Week Three was all about repetition and how you should be afraid to use it as you can create such different pieces using the same image.  As you can see from the three pages I have used the same image in each page that I initially drew for the first page.  In the second page i have rotated and mirrored the image and in the third page it's simply mirrored.

This page although part of the Wanderlust course forms a different element to the other pages I have showed so far.  This page belongs to the Wanderlust Book, which is a prompt based art piece with a new prompt being released every month.  This month's piece was based on the phrase 'I am ready...'

My final page for this blog post is my January challenge piece; we had to pick three colours that we could see outside plus black, white and gray and only use those colours to create a page that told a story of January.

I hope that you've all enjoyed seeing the pieces that I have created for Wanderlust;  if you haven't joined up yet then I highly recommend that you do.

Good Bye Until Next Time


  1. I am a member too Gareth, having enjoyed it last year and it's off to a great start. Your pieces are excellent - well done you for being so disciplined in producing artwork inspired by each teacher. I have been very lax - I have watched,enjoyed and learned .....

  2. Wanderlust is awesome! Great for beginners and experienced artists alike. Anyone looking to learn about mixed media and art journaling will find plenty of techniques, info, support, etc. And it's fun too.
